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Medieval Islamic Evidence along the Southern Coast of Oman: The Region of Ḥāsik
Pavan, Alexia
المحلي في الرواية العربية: فعاليات الدورة الثالثة من ملتقى السرديات بمدنين، تونس، 2016
Coloni senza colonie: gli italiani all’estero e le prime istituzioni coloniali italiane (1890-1911)
Declich, Lorenzo
Unlocking the Past, Preserving Identity: Challenging Regime Narratives through Open Archives
Buzakhar, Mazigh
ديوان سقوط قمم ومهازل أمم
دواق, سليمان بن عمر
العلاقات العلمية بين جزيرة جربة ووادي ميزاب فيما بين القرنين (13/10ه16/19م)
يحي, بوشن
Indian Immigrants and the East African Slave Trade
Tominaga, Chizuko
The Zanzibar Archives Project
Thurston, Anne
Le périple d'un Comorien de Zanzibar à Mascate et retour in Voyages
Saïd, Moussa
"No Better than a Slave or Outcast": Skill, Identity, and Power among the Porters of the Emin Pasha Relief Expedition, 1887–1890
Rempel, Ruth
Je suis appelé à Zanzibar
Remillieux, Daniel
Kilwa, la cité de l'or africain
Pradines, Stéphane
A Stupendous Hammer: Colonial and Post-colonial Reconstructions of Zanzibar's Other Side
Myers, Garth Andrew
Intellectual of Empire: Eric Dutton and Hegemony in British Africa
Myers, Garth Andrew
كتاب مختصر العدل والإنصاف لأبي العباس أحمد بن سعيد الشماخي (ت: 928هـ-1522م)
Le mihrâb swahili: l’évolution d’une architecture islamique en Afrique subsaharienne
Pradines, Stéphane
Préserver et définir : le turāth ibadite, entre dynamiques associative et universitaire
Jomier, Augustin
Documents from 1729-1817 Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino : Transcriptions, English translation, Arabic translation
Documents from 1551-1879 Archivo General de Indias Arquivo Histórico de Moçambique Biblioteca Histórica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid Biblioteca Nacional de España Instituto de Valencia de Don Juan Lily Library Real Academia de la Historia : Transcriptions, English translation, Arabic translation
Documents from 1548-1912 Arquivo Diplomático do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros de Portugal Arquivo Distrital de Braga Arquivo Municipal de Cascais Arquivo dos Viscondes de Vila Nova de Cerveira Biblioteca da Faculdade de Direito de Lisboa Biblioteca Geral da Universidade de Coimbra Biblioteca Municipal de Elvas Colecção Pedro Pinto Museu Nacional de Arqueologia Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa: Transcriptions, English translation, Arabic translation