The Ibadi Regions of the Mediterranean Maghreb: A Study on Settlements and Architectural Forms


The Ibadi Regions of the Mediterranean Maghreb: A Study on Settlements and Architectural Forms
Polimeni, Beniamino
Interest in the Ibadi regions of Maghreb arises from the desire to study a system of settlements and
landscape transformations which are unique to this Mediterranean area. Although similar situations can be
found in different parts of North Africa, in this particular region, the needs for protection and defense such
as the rational use of natural resources play an emblematic role. Ibadi communities, in fact, from the 10th
century onwards, chose the hard conditions of these terrains, because they were concerned for their safety
and were fiercely dedicated to the preservation of their identity, even at the cost of their own isolation.
The object of this research is to propose a reading method of the settlement structure and architectural
forms, by the analysis of three case-study examples: the Island of Djerba, the Libyan Jabal Nafusah and the
region of the M'zab. These three significant territories will be analyzed by means of graphic, cartographic
and historical sources with the purpose of understanding and verifying the configuration and territorial
continuity. The aim is to create an analytic sequence which starts from the territory and extends to
architectural objects, so as to understand the relationships among the landscape, the history and the city

Polimeni, Beniamino, “The Ibadi Regions of the Mediterranean Maghreb: A Study on Settlements and Architectural Forms”, bibliographie, consulté le 18 septembre 2024,

Position : 20319 (3 vues)