Sulaiman al-Baruni Basha in the Gulf and the attempts of return to Libya


Sulaiman al-Baruni Basha in the Gulf and the attempts of return to Libya
Nahed, Abdulkarim
Arab Journal for the Humanities
This study investigates how the Italian government dealt with Sulaiman Al Baruni Basha, who was one of the most famous anti-occupation fighters in the Arab region in the modern era. Al Baruni resisted the Italian occupation of Libya and had to leave his country and settle in Oman. He moved between Oman and Iraq, where he sought medical attention. Due to hardships he and his family sustained over a long period of time, he went to the Italian Consulate in Baghdad, seeking permission to go back to his homeland. The correspondences between him and the Italian government in 1932 are diplomatic documents, which the Italian government has declassified just recently. These correspondences consist of 12 letters exchanged between the Italian Consulate in Baghdad, the Foreign Ministry in Rome, and the Ministry of Italian Colonies in East Africa.
The researcher translated these letters and analyzed them, reaching the following conclusions:
- Al Baruni's resistance had a serious impact on the Italian Occupation to the extent that his return to his homeland was considered a source of apprehension to the Italian government.
- The documents demonstrate differences in opinions with regard to this issue. While the Italian Charge d`Affaires in Baghdad did not object to Sulaimans' return to Libya, the Ministry of Colonies was very reserved and suspicious of Al Baruni's intentions and of the impact his return would have on the people of Tripoli and Naffusa Mountain. On the other hand, the Foreign Ministry acted as a mediator between the two entities and wanted to take advantage of Al Barunis' adverse conditions.
The Italian government wanted to exploit Al Baruni's condition in order to obtain information from him about Oman, given his position as a consultant to the Sultan of Oman and as a close comrade of the Imam.
Bārūnī, Sulaymān al- (1870-1940)

Nahed, Abdulkarim, “Sulaiman al-Baruni Basha in the Gulf and the attempts of return to Libya”, 2014, bibliographie, consulté le 7 septembre 2024,

Position : 30752 (1 vues)