Ibadism in Oman and developments in the field of Christian – Muslim relationships


Ibadism in Oman and developments in the field of Christian – Muslim relationships
Skinner, Raymond Frederick
The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between Christians and the IbadT of Oman, as a contribution to Christian-Muslim dialogue. The main focus is an assessment of the contribution offered in the past by the small missionary presence, and of the potential scope and areas of dialogue between the recent guest-worker Christian community, and their hosts - a Muslim country growing in international status. The thesis tells the story of a dynamic engagement in dialogue. The history, customs and beliefs of the country will be outlined, with particular emphasis on meeting points with Christian missionaries. The History of the Imams and Seyyids of Oman by SalTl bin Razlk, translated by CP. Badger and published in 1871, is the source of several more recent works consulted. The Journal of the Arabian Mission of the Reformed Church of America, Neglected Arabia/ Arabia Calling: 1892-1962 and the quarterly The Muslim World (from 1911) have been among other main sources. Some of the many books and articles by Samuel Zwemer have been read; he visited Muscat in Oman on several occasions - his brother Peter contracting a fatal illness while serving there. The IbadT believe their understanding of Islam to be close to that of the Prophet Muhammad; individual in faith, they fiercely claim to be orthodox in their interpretation of the Our'an and they are quick to speak out when they think Its essential tenets are being compromised. They can therefore perhaps afford to be relaxed when it comes to living alongside those who are not themselves Ibadi and are willing to listen to them with an open mind. Their courteous meeting with the Christians they welcome to their country offers clues in the wider field of Christian-Muslim relations.
Durham University
nombre de pages

Skinner, Raymond Frederick, “Ibadism in Oman and developments in the field of Christian – Muslim relationships”, Durham University, 1992, bibliographie, consulté le 18 septembre 2024, https://ibadica.org/s/bibliographie/item/1692

Position : 6810 (7 vues)