The Reading of an Ibāḍī Sufi Mawlid Text and Its Controversial Legacy in Oman: Abū Muslim al-Bahlānī’s (1860–1920) al-Nashʾa al-muḥammadiyya


The Reading of an Ibāḍī Sufi Mawlid Text and Its Controversial Legacy in Oman: Abū Muslim al-Bahlānī’s (1860–1920) al-Nashʾa al-muḥammadiyya
The Presence of the Prophet in Early Modern and Contemporary Islam
In contrast to Sunnī and Shīʿī communities, Ibāḍīs in Oman refrain from any pompous celebration of the Prophetic birthday. Instead, they see the call to follow the example of the Prophet and to adhere to his Sunna as the only legitimate way of expressing love and respect for Muḥammad. For centuries, Ibādīs have used the occasion of the Prophet’s birthday to gather in mosques or at home for the reading of mawlid texts about Muḥammad’s biography. Interestingly, several prominent Ibāḍī scholars became deeply influenced by Sufi thinking during a period of Ibāḍī renaissance and reform in the late nineteenth century. One of them, the well-known Zanzibari qāḍī and Oman’s most important poet Abū Muslim al-Bahlānī (d. 1920) produced al-Nashʾa al-muḥammadiyya, a mawlid text that is saturated with Sufi ideas and emerged as the textual Ibāḍī standard for the celebration of the Prophet’s birthday. This chapter offers a historical and ethnographic study of Bahlānī’s merger of Ibāḍism and Sufism as part of a wider mawlid renaissance in the Gulf region and along the East African coast. It traces al-Nashʾa al-muḥammadiyya’s role in the nation building process and its religious adaptation in twentieth century Oman, thereby highlighting a shift in Ibāḍī scholarly attitudes toward the Prophet.
Titre abrégé
The Reading of an Ibāḍī Sufi Mawlid Text and Its Controversial Legacy in Oman

Jordan, David, “The Reading of an Ibāḍī Sufi Mawlid Text and Its Controversial Legacy in Oman: Abū Muslim al-Bahlānī’s (1860–1920) al-Nashʾa al-muḥammadiyya”, Brill, 2023, bibliographie, consulté le 18 septembre 2024,

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