The Relationship Between Faith and Politics in the First Period in Salim Ibn Zekwan’s Work “as-Sira”


The Relationship Between Faith and Politics in the First Period in Salim Ibn Zekwan’s Work “as-Sira”
Gasimov, Azer Ali
Culturological almanac
In the book “as-Sira”, Salim ibn Zekwan has presented the essential codes of the Kharijites/Ibadi thought and the relationship between faith and politics in the early period. In “as – Sira” he reflected the specific examples of the Kharijites/Ibadi thought in faith and action context by using explanation of events of the time of Hazrat Osman and Hazrat Ali. Also, Salim has become one of the important figures of this thought by evaluating political events in the context of faith. Religion is one of the most effective values in the life of an individual and society. It is a motivation that influences, directs and gives enthusiasm and spirit to the individual and society. Therefore, religion does not serve any political, legal, individual and social purpose. Also, it cannot be sacrificed to a false belief or thought and fanaticism. When religious texts are taken out of their context, they can be misunderstood. One of the problematic reasons for religious fanaticism is the commentaries that contradict the purpose when they assign a meaning to divine orders and apply them to daily life. It causes chaos and discomfort trying to force your own political and intellectual views as absolute truths and imposing them on others. As a result of that people are directed to the wrong direction and purpose, they are divided, grouped, separated and become enemies to one another. Thus, religion, which its real purpose is making people live in unity, equality and sense of brotherhood, appears as a problem and chaos by being got off its point. Especially, it turns into means of violence, oppression and chaos in the hands of some malicious people. The Holy Quran has established the faith as high and sacred value principles. It invites people to believe in these values independently and gives people the freedom to accept or reject the values of Islamic faith. It does not accept any pressure or direction on this subject. Allah has not given a right to anyone or organization to make pressure or coercion in worships. The Quran has ordered Prophet Muhammad to preach revelation and not to put pressure upon this issue.
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Gasimov, Azer Ali, “The Relationship Between Faith and Politics in the First Period in Salim Ibn Zekwan’s Work “as-Sira””, 2023, bibliographie, consulté le 18 octobre 2024,

Position : 18734 (6 vues)