The History of Falaj Water Management in Northern Oman Case Study: the Falaj Al-Khatmain in Birkat Al Mouz


The History of Falaj Water Management in Northern Oman Case Study: the Falaj Al-Khatmain in Birkat Al Mouz
présenté lors de
Summer Semester 2023
Saqri, Nasser al-
This presentation sheds light on the system of water management and distribution of the aflaj in Oman through the case study of Falaj Al-Khatamein in Birkat Al-Mouz, which has been registered on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 2006. The lecture will start with an introduction to the historical background of the aflaj system. "Aflaj" (plural Falaj) is a gently sloping subterranean tunnel that drains out groundwater and conveys it onto the earth surface and all falaj systems in Oman are divided into three groups; Dawoodi Falaj, Ayni Falaj and Ghaili Falaj in northern Oman, the typology of aflaj, their cultural significance in the Omani society and their connection to different aspects of life in the past.
The presenter will also talk about the management of aflaj water and the methods of distributing the water shares of aflaj. He will address various aspects connected to the aflaj system, including the irrigation cycle of falaj in the region/village and the daily division of the falaj water shares. Also the methods and tools for measuring irrigation time will be explained, for which a special sundial (Lamad) is necessary during the daytime and traditional star gazing at nighttime. The last part of the presentation will examine Falaj Al-Khatamein. The presenter will discuss the historical background of this falaj and the Birkat Al Mouz area, and will also explain the reasons behind the selection of this falaj and its management system for this study. Moreover, the social and economic aspects of this falaj and their impacts on society will be discussed, and it will be spelled out how the falaj has contributed to social harmony in the area.

Saqri, Nasser al-, “The History of Falaj Water Management in Northern Oman Case Study: the Falaj Al-Khatmain in Birkat Al Mouz”, 2023-07-13, bibliographie, consulté le 19 septembre 2024,

Position : 2130 (10 vues)