Littoralisation et dynamique côtière en milieux insulaires fragiles : le cas de l’île de Jerba (Sud-Est tunisien)


Littoralisation et dynamique côtière en milieux insulaires fragiles : le cas de l’île de Jerba (Sud-Est tunisien)
Ben Ghazi, Abdelhamid
Littoralization and coastal dynamics in fragile island environments: the case of the island of Jerba (South-East Tunisia). Known for the wealth of its resources, the island of Jerba has always attracted the society of the past to settle there. Convinced by the fragility of the island environment, the Jerbian has developed a suitable way of occupying the space and appropriate know-how. The interior of agricultural land has always been favored at the expense of the infertile coastline and open to foreign invasions. Recently, the phenomenon of touristification of the east and northeast coast of the island has been established. At the same time, the coastline is increasingly occupied and a change in the mode of land occupation has occurred. The coastal area, formerly deserted, is increasingly in demand, which has upset the island environment. The rapid urbanization of beaches has reached a worrying stage. The low coasts of the island continue to lose their sandy beaches in a situation marked by the rise in sea level in relation to global warming. Obviously, a line mobility of the island's shoreline is established and evolving with accelerated speed, which has led to the continuous disconfiguration of the coastline. It is by extending the arrow of Borj Kastile, located in the southeast, that the island of Jerba could be connected to the mainland and therefore loses its island status.

Ben Ghazi, Abdelhamid, “Littoralisation et dynamique côtière en milieux insulaires fragiles : le cas de l’île de Jerba (Sud-Est tunisien)”, 2023, bibliographie, consulté le 7 septembre 2024,

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