hādhihi Qā’ima li’l-Kutub al-mawqūfa ʿalà Ṭalabat al-Ibāḍiyya bi-Wikālat al-Baḥḥār bi-Ṭūlūn bi-Miṣr al-Qāhira


hādhihi Qā’ima li’l-Kutub al-mawqūfa ʿalà Ṭalabat al-Ibāḍiyya bi-Wikālat al-Baḥḥār bi-Ṭūlūn bi-Miṣr al-Qāhira
Ibn Yaʿqūb, Sālim
A catalogue of books and MSS in the Wikālat al-Jāmūs (Wikālat al-Baḥḥār) in Cairo, composed by Sālim b. Yaʿqūb in the 1930s, which I photographed when visiting him in Ghīzen at Jerba in June 1972.
The library had 90 volumes by Maghribī Ibāḍī authors (among which 17 copies of volumes of Abū Sākin ʿĀmir al-Shammākhī’s K. al-Īḍāḥ) and ten volumes by Omani authors; the Maghribī volumes comprised 43 different titles and the Omani ones six. The registred Waqf dates were: 15 x 12th/18th c. (1131-1197/1719 - 1782-3), 12 x 13th/19th c. (1215-1276/1800-1 - 1862), and 7 x 14th/20th c. (1327-1334/1909 - 1915-6). The dates of copying of the manuscripts were: 828/1425, 883/1479; 1051/1641, 1058/1648, 1065/1654; 34 x 12th/18th c. (1114-1198/1702-1784); 12 x 13th/19th c. (1201-1272/1787-1855); 1 x 14th/20th c. (1333/1914-5). There were 70 non-Ibāḍī volumes, most of them manuscripts related to the Arabic language. The oldest non-Ibāḍī manuscript was vol. 3 of K. Muntahà ‘l-Adab fī Lughat al-Turk wa’l-ʿAjam wa’l-ʿArab, by Aḥm. b. Muḥ. b. ʿArabshāh, copied 14 Shaʿbān 852/1448 (see GAL II, 29 (ed. 1949, 36-37); S II, 24-25: Abū ‘l-ʿAbbās Aḥm. b. Muḥ. b. ʿAbdl. b. ʿArabshāh Shihāb al-Dīn al-Dimashqī al-Ḥanafī (791-854/1392-1450): Tarjumān al-Mutarjam bi-Muntahà ‘l-ʿArab fī Lughāt al-Turk wa’l-ʿAjam wa’l-ʿArab). The MSS copied in the Wikāla were dated 1117/1706 - 1283/1866, those copied in Cairo were dated 1065/1654-5 - 1333/1914-5. Most copies were done by Jerbans. Among the Waqf givers were: Muḥ. b. Ram. al-Baḥḥār (10 vols., two of them have as Waqf dates 1124/1712 and 1131/1718); Aḥm. b. Daḥmān together with Sul. and Yūnus b. Shaʿbān (6 vols.); Sul. b. ʿAbd al-Raḥmān b. Abī ‘l-Qāsim b. Yaḥyà al-Khanūsī (31 vols., most of them in 1758-9); Saʿīd b. Qāsim b. Sul. al-Shammākhī (5 vols.); Sul. b. Saʿīd al-Bakhābkhī al-Yafranī (6 vols., all donated in 1334/1915-6). The earliest MS I came across which was completed in Wikālat al-Jāmūs is Abū ʿAbdl. Muḥ. b. ʿUmar b. Abī Sitta al-Qaṣbī: [Ḥāshiya ʿalà K. al-Qawāʿid], copyist Mūsà b. al-Ḥājj Muḥ. b. Mūsà b. Ḥammū b. Yūsuf b. Mūsà b. Afḍal b. Muḥ. b. Yūsuf b. Muḥ. b. Aḥm. b. Ibr., called al-Ḥujajī, 22 Shaʿbān 1106/1695. In Makt. Āl Yiddir, Beni Isguen, Mīzāb.

Ibn Yaʿqūb, Sālim, “hādhihi Qā’ima li’l-Kutub al-mawqūfa ʿalà Ṭalabat al-Ibāḍiyya bi-Wikālat al-Baḥḥār bi-Ṭūlūn bi-Miṣr al-Qāhira”, 1972, bibliographie, consulté le 18 septembre 2024, https://ibadica.org/s/bibliographie/item/6964

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