Ibadi studies at the University of Milan-Bicocca


Ibadi studies at the University of Milan-Bicocca
présenté lors de
Giornata di studio su Storia e Cultura dell’Oman
Journée d'études
Brugnatelli, Vermondo
27 May 2021. Ibadi studies at the University of Milan-Bicocca Vermondo Brugnatelli (UMB) The Ibadi studies at the University of Milan-Bicocca started about 20 years ago, with a series of studies on the Berber language of the Ibadi community of Jerba, in Southern Tunisia. At the beginning, these researches were mostly devoted to linguistic issues, but they quickly switched to the wider field of literature and religious studies, after the discovery of a religious poem composed in the early 19th century by a Jerbian sheikh that belongs to a rich tradition among the Ibadi communities of Jerba, Mzab and Libya. Later on, the discovery of a huge manuscript in Medieval Berber containing a commentary on Abu Ghanim’s Mudawwana, opened another phase of the studies, namely the philological and codicological research on the Ibadi manuscripts, both in Berber and in Arabic. The existence of a small archive of documents retrieved in Libya by the Milanese scholar Eugenio Griffini at the beginning of the 19th Century is also exploited, and the publication of an unpublished Qasida from Jebel Nefusa (Libya) is currently under press. Over time, the researchers devoted to these studies in the Bicocca University have established a network of contacts with a number of colleagues around the world, in Oman as well as in the European and north African countries, some of whom have taken part in colloquiums in Milan, hosted by the Academia Ambrosiana. Vermondo Brugnatelli Vermondo Brugnatelli was born in Milan, where he also completed his studies in Hamito-Semitic (Afroasiatic) Linguistics. He is a specialist in historical linguistics and his main interests are particularly focused on the Berber world. He is currently Associate Professor at the University of Milano-Bicocca. He is director of the “Centro Studi Camito-Semitici di Milano” that he founded in 1993, president of the Berber Cultural Association in Italy and secretary of the Berber section of the class of African Studies in the “Academia Ambrosiana”. Besides editing and translating the largest collection of Berber folktales (in three volumes) published in Italian to date, he has carried out studies on many areas of Berber linguistics and literature . His field research is focused on the eastern Berber varieties, in particular those of southern Tunisia (Jerba and Cheninni). He is also carrying out researches on Ibadi texts in Berber from North Africa, both from oral and written sources. In particular, he has already published several articles on a medieval Berber commentary of Abu Ghanim

Brugnatelli, Vermondo, “Ibadi studies at the University of Milan-Bicocca”, 2021-05-27, bibliographie, consulté le 18 septembre 2024, https://ibadica.org/s/bibliographie/item/8456

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