Islam Mezheplerinde Tekfir ve Ibadiyye'nin Tekfir Anlayişunin mukayesesi


Islam Mezheplerinde Tekfir ve Ibadiyye'nin Tekfir Anlayişunin mukayesesi
Mémoire de Licence
Yanmış, Kadriye
Ibadism are often considered identification with Kharijite and violence in Turkey and Islamic countries. For this reason, the discussion has nothing to do with the Ibadism in Kharijite, according to a conceptual similarity-difference with the this group is the subject of curious sense of blasphemy today. In this study, the concept of blasphemy of Ibadism are introduced departing from Turkish and Arabic sources. In this context, the aim of reaching into the unknown from the known about Ibadism. In the first section of the study the course of the discussion of blasphemy known in the history of denominations are discussed briefly. Second section in order to make it easier to read here that in accusing of being an blasphemy to act religious, political and epistomolojik factors and denominations’ approaches on the issue are summarized literature scans. In the first period of Islamic denominations’ views on blasphemy are summarized briefly. In the second and final part, formation of Ibadism, principles of faith, about faith, monotheism, justice, accident-fate-acquitted custody orders and nehiy, promise-vaid, menzile beyne’l menzileteyn, la menzile beyne’l menzileteyn, names, concepts and judgments are described briefly. Subsequently, according to the definition of blasphemy in Ibadism, about nature and discord of tekfir (declare someone an unbeliever), kebira, deaf and insists concepts are investigated. Finally, comparisons are made to other Islamic denominations and Ibadism views on the tekfir understandings.
Dicle Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
nombre de pages

Yanmış, Kadriye, “Islam Mezheplerinde Tekfir ve Ibadiyye'nin Tekfir Anlayişunin mukayesesi”, Dicle Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2015, bibliographie, consulté le 8 septembre 2024,

Position : 3231 (8 vues)