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Pavan, Alexia
Medieval Islamic Evidence along the Southern Coast of Oman: The Region of Ḥāsik Pavan, Alexia
The port of Al Baleed (southern Oman), the trade in franckincense and its coveted treasures Pavan, Alexia
After the Fall of the Caravan Kingdoms. Notes about the Occupation of Sumhuram and the Area of Khor Rori (Oman) from the Fifth Century AD to the Islamic Period Pavan, Alexia
The urban shrine in quarter A at Sumhuram: stratigraphy, architecture, material culture Pavan, Alexia
A cosmopolitan city on the Arabian coast: the imported and local pottery from Khor Rori: Khor Rori report 3 Pavan, Alexia
Husn al-Baleed, a mediaeval fortified castle along the Omani coast: preliminary results from the 2016-2017 excavations Pavan, Alexia
From raw materials to finished products: pottery production at Sumhuram (Khor Rori, Sultanate of Oman) Rizzo, Carlotta
Boats, horses, and moorings: maritime activities at al-Balīd in the medieval period Ghidoni, Alessandro