Créateur est exactement
Staples, Eric
Reflections of a Muslim-Portuguese maritime world in a sixteenth-century Portuguese source Salimi, Abdulrahman al-
Maritime footprints: examining the maritime cultural landscape of Masirah Island, Oman, past and present Blue, Lucy
Navigating the Gulf: Aḥmad b. Mājid’s poem on Gulf navigation Staples, Eric
The "Jewel of Muscat" Project: reconstructing an early ninth-century CE shipwreck Vosmer, Tom
Maritime Heritage in the Sultanate of Oman Staples, Eric
Ships of the Gulf: shifting names and networks Staples, Eric
The Wolf: The Last Remnants of the age of Sail in Southern Oman Staples, Eric
Intersections within Arabic and Chinese Navigational Literature: Star-Altitude Measurements Staples, Eric
Intersections in Arabic Navigational Literature Staples, Eric
The formation of Oman‘s maritime power under the Yaaribaand Seyyid Said Staples, Eric
Oman and Islamic maritime networks (632-1507 CE) Staples, Eric
Navigation in Islamic sources Staples, Eric
Conclusion: the ports of Oman today Staples, Eric
A maritime lexicon: Arabic nautical terminology in the Indian ocean: English-Arabic edition Salimi, Abdulrahman al-
The Maritime Dimensions of the Ibāḍī Imāmate in the 9th Century CE Staples, Eric
The Formation of Oman’s Maritime Power under the Yaariba and Sayyid Said Staples, Eric