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Libya Antiqua
Stazione litica all'aperto nei pressi di Garian Fabbri, M.
Bir et-Uaar Mausoleum (Al-Urban, Djebel Garian Abdussaid, Abdulhamid
The Umm et-Grib rock-shelter and the exploitation of resources in Jebel Gharbi Conati Barbaro, Cecilia
Some mosques of the Jebel Nefusa Allan, J. W.
Geomorphology and sedimentology in the Ghan and Zargha Wadis and on the Jado Plateau Giraudi, Carlo
Geoarchaeology of the Jebel Gharbi Region : outline of the research Barich, Barbara E.
The Latest Research in the Jebel Gharbi (Northern Libya) : Environment and Cultures from MSA to LSA and the First Neolithic Findings Barich, Barbara E.
Libyan-Italian Joint Mission in the Jebel Gharbi (Tripolitania) : the Holocene sequence of the Jifarah plain Barich, Barbara E.