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Durham University
The Jebel Garian in Tripolitania: a regional study Khuga, M. A.
The Arabian mission: a case study of Christian missionary work in the Arabian Gulf region. Tamīmī, Abdal-Malik Khalat
European influence and tribal society in Tunisia during the nineteenth century : the origins and impact of the trade in esparto grass 1870-1940. McQuarrie, Gavin
Three Libyan poets of the 20th century a study of their political poetry Abu Dib, Sed M.
The Implications of Legal Change and Political Reform for the Workings of the Majlis A' Shura and Majlis A' Dawlah in Oman (1981-2003) Kathiri, Said Masoud Naoom al-
Patterns and processes of Tunisian migration Findlay, A. M.
The Omani siyar as a literary genre and its role in the political evolution and doctrinal development of Eastern Ibadism, with special reference to the epistles of Khwarizm, Khurasan and Mansura Salimi, Abdulrahman al-
Early Islamic Oman (ca - 622/280-893) : a political history. Rawas, Isam al-
Tribesmen and the colonial encounter: Southern Tunisia during the French protectorate 1882 to 1940 Fozzard, Adrian
Ibadism in Oman and developments in the field of Christian – Muslim relationships Skinner, Raymond Frederick