Créateur est exactement
Albayrak, Ismail
OU Contributeur est exactement
Albayrak, Ismail
OU rédacteur est exactement
Albayrak, Ismail
OU présente est exactement
Albayrak, Ismail
OU analyse de est exactement
Albayrak, Ismail
OU traducteur est exactement
Albayrak, Ismail
Re-Evaluating the Notion of Isrâ and Mi’râj in Ibadi Tradition: With Special References to the Modern Sirah Readings Albayrak, Ismail
Ismail Albayrak, Approaches to Ibāḍī Exegetical Tradition Baptiste, Enki
Ibadi Exegetical Tradition: From Past to Present Albayrak, Ismail
İbâdi̇ Tefsi̇r Usûlüne Genel Bi̇r Bakiş Albayrak, Ismail
Içimizdeki öteki: tefsirde Hâricî (Ibâdî) algılamasına dair genel bir değerlendirme Albayrak, Ismail
“The Other” among us: the perception of Khārijī and Ibāḍī Islam in the Muslim exegetical traditions Albayrak, Ismail
- Approaches to Ibāḍī Exegetical Tradition
The Notion of Jesus’ Return in the Views of Two Ibāḍī Scholars: Muḥammad Aṭfayyish and Aḥmad al-Khalīlī Albayrak, Ismail
The Ibāḍī Approach to the Methodology of Qur'anic Exegesis Albayrak, Ismail